Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Basic information
Address: Mountaineering Skiing Association ,, Železničar Novi Sad Trg Galerija 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Activity and activity code: other sports activities, code: 9319
Company registration number (CRN): 08098212
Tax identification number (TIN): 101655007
Web address: frm-dev.vagrant.fsd.com
E-mail: office@www.fruskogorski-maraton.com
Payment can be made by transfer payment form and by payment cards.
Paid start-up fee includes the following:
- Start number (SPORTS APPLICATION) or control marathon booklet (FUN APPLICATION)
- Assistance, refreshment along the trail
- Start package (SPORTS APPLICATION)
- Food and fruits vouchers (SPORTS APPLICATION)
- Finisher medal (SPORTS APPLICATION)
- Application with a payment for one of the trails is considered final and it is not possible to change the
previously selected trail afterwards.
All payments will be made in the local currency of the Republic of Serbia – RSD. For the informative overview
of prices in other currencies, the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia is used. The amount for
which your debit card will be debited will be expressed in your local currency through a conversion at the rate
used by card associations, which cannot be known at the time of the transaction. As a result of this conversion,
there may be a slight difference from the original price listed on our site.
Thank you for your understanding.
Delivery of start numbers is not done. The numbers are taken before the marathon in a clearly defined location
as stated in the Rules of the marathon.
Refunds in full amount paid are made only in the case of:
- the death of the participant applied,
- the death of the husband / wife of the participant applied,
- the death of one of the parents of the participants
- the death of a child.
All this includes a period of 30 days before the marathon.
Contact in case of a complaint:
Phone: +381 21 529-978
Email: office@www.fruskogorski-maraton.com
Notice period
In the event of an accident or serious illness of the participants, it is necessary to submit a medical certificate
with the signature and seal of the doctor confirming the contraindication to participation in the marathon. All
other reasons for the cancellation must be justified by the signature and stamp by the official authority.
Conditions for Compensation: Any claim for compensation must come to us, accompanied by a medical
certificate, within the last 10 days after the event. Requests are treated in two months, which follow the event.
Cancellation of participation and a request for refund of the funds paid must be sent via email to
office@www.fruskogorski-maraton.com. Cancellation of participation is not accepted by phone or fax.
In case of cancellation due to the reasons described in the previous paragraph, the participant may, if the request
is sent within the specified time limit, submit the requested documentation in writing (see paragraph above).
If a registered participant wants to cancel their application for a reason not covered by this guarantee, the
compensation of the fee percentage will be made by means of your bank account associated with the credit card
used in the application in accordance with the following conditions:
Sent on the day | Amount of funds in% |
Before December 31st | 60% |
From January 1st to March 1st | 50% |
After March 1st | No return |
The exchange of start numbers and start packages is not allowed. The application fee paid cannot be used for
the following year and is not transferable to another person.
If the race is canceled due to circumstances beyond our control, up to 15 days before the race, the Organization
reserves the right to reimburse 50% of the admission fee. This percentage is calculated to allow the organization
to cover part of the costs incurred.
If the race is canceled or interrupted for atmospheric reasons, or for any other reason beyond our control, there
will be no refund of application fees.
In case of return of goods and return of funds to the buyer who previously paid some of the payments card, in part or in whole, and regardless of the reason for the return, (Fruška Gora Marathon) is in the obligation to make a refund solely through VISA, EC / MC and Maestro payment methods.
User privacy protection
On behalf of the Mountaineering Marathon on Fruška gora, we commit ourselves to protect the privacy of all
our customers. We collect only the necessary, basic customer / user data and information necessary for doing
business and informing the users in accordance with good business practices and in order to provide a good
quality service. We give customers the choice, including the ability to decide whether they want or they do not
want to be deleted from the mailing lists used for marketing campaigns. All user/ customer information is
strictly kept and is available only to employees whose information is necessary for doing business. All
employees of the Mountaineering Marathon on Fruška gora are responsible for respecting the principles of
privacy protection.
Protecting confidential transaction data
When entering payment card information, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a
secure (encrypted) form of the used SSL protocol and PKI system, as the current latest cryptographic
technology. The security of the data during the purchase is guaranteed by the ChipCard payment card of
corporation Belgrade, so that the complete process of charging is done on the ChipCard pages. No information
about the payment card is available to our system at any moment.
Organized transport to the Starting line
On Saturday (26th April, 2025) organized transportation is provided from 6 a.m. from Novi…
Više InformacijaClosing online Individual ”Sport Applications” and taking over Start Packages
Individual ”Sport applications” for Ultra Extreme, Ultra, Medium East Trail, Small East Extreme Trail…
Više Informacija